
Product Review: Kabaya Collagen Gummy

Friday, February 12, 2021

     Hello, dearies! I’ve been taking and reviewing collagen supplements for years now and late last year, I discovered a new, fun, and delicious way of taking it through chewing! Collagen gummy supplement is making a name in the anti-aging department these days. According to, gummy vitamins per see are chewable vitamins that have a texture and taste similar to gummy candies. It comes in different flavors, colors, and shapes. 

     More popular with adults and kids these days because it's so convenient to take especially for those who are having a hard time ingesting vitamins and supplements because of their size or aftertaste. I can say that it's a great innovation for collagen supplement because, for those who's been taking it, the first thing that will make you cringe is the taste whether it's a flavored powder or liquid form. Anyhoo, it has been three months since I started taking this delicious and collagen packed gummy supplement and saw improvements in my skin already. Sharing a detailed review and why this is my new HG (Holy Grail) collagen supplement after the jump!

Product Review: Kabaya Collagen Gummy

6 Tips for Building Immunity

Sunday, May 17, 2020

     This year has brought so many twists and turns that it is only May but we already seem to feel exhausted. But if there is one good thing that is the result of all the developments that have taken place, it is that we have chosen to focus on the things that are really important to us, such as our family and good health. As we now turn our attention toward making good health a new way of life, you can count on Watsons to be with you every step of the way.

    In the next few months, there will be changes in the quarantine guidelines. It will be modified, intensified, or reduced depending on the number of COVID-19 cases and the new normal will take place. Wearing a face mask, social distancing, washing, and sanitizing hands frequently are the first line of defense against the virus but there's a lot more to do especially on building your immunity.  Here are a few recommendations from Watsons on what you can do at home to help keep your immunity strong and your family healthy.

6 Tips for Building Immunity

Boost the Body’s Immunity Through Nutrition

Friday, April 17, 2020

     The 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has taken the world by surprise with its highly infectious nature and mortality rate. What’s most concerning is that while we know that COVID-19 is part of a large family of viruses that include Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV), there are many traits of this virus that we have yet to uncover, such as the dynamics of transmission. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it could take up to 18 months for the first COVID-19 vaccines to be made publicly available. Only an approved drug can treat or cure, or prevent the transmission of, COVID-19 and other diseases. In the absence of any vaccine to date, we are left with practical prevention measures, such as maintaining proper hygiene, wearing a mask when necessary, or maintaining social distancing. It may also be useful to keep our bodies strong, so that our immune systems function well. 

     After all, our immune system is one of the most effective forms of defense against viral infections. There are two categories of immune functions in everyone’s body – the innate immunity which prevents diseases from entering the body and adaptive immunity which eliminates or prevents the growth of pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, in our body. However, increasing the body’s immunity is not as straightforward as it sounds. There remains much about the immune system that researchers are still working to understand, but what we do know is the tangible connection between the immune system and nutrition.

Boost the Body’s Immunity Through Nutrition 
image from

The Best Fitness Supplements for Beginners

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

     People engage in fitness exercises for varied reasons. Some take to exercising for leisure and networking at their work or social places. For others, it may be their profession, whereas others go for fitness on medical grounds. Generally, the need for toning your body muscles should be your daily preoccupation. In whichever category above you fall in, you must know the basics about boosting yourself with essential supplements.

     Most beginners go into the gym without knowing the essential supplements. This leads to the intake of non-performing supplements in the market. Exercising is worthwhile if you know the best fitness supplements for beginners. In all your preferences, you should never miss amino acid supplements.

The Best Fitness Supplements for Beginners
image from

Me Time with Watsons

Friday, August 24, 2018

     What's your definition of busy? For me, it's the so little time so much to do kind of day. I always say ‘I’m busy!’ even if there's a free time in between. Looks like the word 'busy' is everyone's favorite. 

     We glorify being busy because we are pressured to achieve a lot, all at once: to climb the corporate ladder, take care of our family’s needs, raise children, and manage the household all while curating our lives into a perfect feed on social media. Did you know that when you are too “busy” ‘24/7, seven days a week, 30 days in a month and so on, you end up giving everything and that precious gift for yourself- time!

Me Time with Watsons


© Dear Kitty Kittie Kath- Top Lifestyle, Beauty, Mommy, Health and Fitness Blogger Philippines.