There are many different types of acne and plenty of proposed solutions to your pimple woes. However, when it comes to skincare, say goodbye to complex regimens, and say hello to simple changes that can bring dramatic changes to your skin.
Some people are born with beautiful clear skin, but most of us are not so lucky. Diet, exercise, genetics, and hormones have a lot to do with the severity of acne. The origin of your acne may be rooted in many different causes so treatment may be equally complex. However, there are many simple tricks that can get you on track for clearer, healthier skin. Some DIY treatments and solutions can actually be harmful to skin, so when it comes to skin care treatment, it is time to downsize your regimen for a simpler routine. Here are a few simple skin care tips to clear acne.
Skin Care Tips To Clear Acne |
Use a Gentle Makeup Remover
Stop irritating your skin by scrubbing it harshly with a washcloth and hand soap. Hand soap is not designed to suit your vulnerable skin, and the chemicals can prove to be a harsh irritant, creating rashes or causing your pores to create more oil. In addition, scrubbing your face with a washcloth our other material will cause further irritation. Those who rub their skin excessively can peel off vital new skin cells, damage pores, and stimulate the production of oil.
Skip the rubbing and stick to a gentle makeup remover. Apply lightly to the skin with water and gently rub in with your fingers and voila—a makeup free face.
Use a Night Cream
When it comes to moisturizing your skin, not just any lotion or cream will do. This is why dermatological companies create specific products just to moisturize the face. Night creams are meant to retain moisture throughout the night and help quicken the skin-repairing process that occurs while you’re asleep. The key to finding the right night cream for you is to decide between an oil-based or water-based product. Typically, water-based night creams will cause less irritation and are less likely to lead to breakouts. What’s more is that a night cream can also be used as a makeup primer. The skin naturally absorbs water-based face creams quicker, so it can go under makeup quickly. This is especially important if you live in a dry climate and during dry winters.
Stop Using Harsh Exfoliates and Face Masks
If you are a Pinterest enthusiast, you have likely seen hundreds of pins that advertise DIY facemasks and exfoliates. The most popular types include those with natural ingredients such as lemon, honey, lavender, cinnamon, avocado, egg white, Greek yogurt, and the list goes on and on. For some people, a regimen that includes a facemask can truly rejuvenate the skin, and different ingredients can make skin glow. However, a common mistake comes in using masks too often. Harsh exfoliates such as cinnamon can burn and irritate the skin, especially for those with sensitive skin or those taking strong acne medications. Certain types of cystic acne treatment make the skin more sensitive; using a mask such as this every night, for example, can actually cause you to break out more because you are always peeling off the new layer of skin.
Some choose to buy exfoliates from the store. Again, for many people, exfoliates are simply not a good choice. From natural scrubs to exfoliating beads, it is best to let nature take its course and let the skin clear on its own. The only time you should use an exfoliate is if your dermatologists tells you to do so.