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6 Awesome Ways to Celebrate Virtual Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

     The holidays are here! Flashback to last year, December was one of the busiest because of Christmas parties here and there. Almost everyone is excited to attend the most-awaited party of the year because of non-stop bonding, eating, playing, and winning. I bet you also gave extra effort into your outfits and presentations. 

     This year's Christmas party will be a bit different as we transition to the new way of celebration- virtual party. For those who are not sure if this kind of party will work, think again. Virtual Christmas parties are holiday celebrations conducted over video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Google Meet and there are party games, activities, and entertainment. Wanna make your virtual Christmas party fun and one for the books? Make it hassle-free with PayMaya! Sharing these 6 awesome party ideas that you can make do to make the most out of your virtual Christmas parties!

6 Awesome Ways to Celebrate Virtual Christmas Party 

Experience Safe and Efficient Housing Transactions with Ohmyhome

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

     Adulting gets real when you're already serious about one of the basic needs of the family- shelter. Having a place to call your own gives you a sense of fulfillment. The place that you call home is where all your dreams will come true. It doesn't need to be your own at first since you are still starting but this is what your goal should be, which according to "Staying in the same home provides a better financial and emotional investment in both your community and living space.

     I'm lucky because my parents already had invested in real property during my childhood days and we have a house to call our own when I was in elementary. That being said I wonder how it feels to move from one house to another, what are the hassles of renting and moving out or looking for a new house. We can't blame the families or individuals who are renting or leasing properties as of the moment, they have reasons for doing such but whatever it is, the process should not be a pain. Have you experienced disappointments, frustrations, or even nightmares in buying, renting, or leasing a property? I hope not but if you're experiencing headaches on everything house transactions, there's one promising app that you need to know- Ohmyhome! Know more about Singapore’s leading PropTech startup which is set to disrupt the local real estate industry by bringing innovation to the way people buy, sell, and rent their properties.

Experience Safe and Efficient Housing Transactions with Ohmyhome

How to Cook Kinamatisang Manok for Your Family

Sunday, June 28, 2020

     It has been more than 100 days since quarantine and for us who stayed at home for the longest time (unless we need to go outside for work or essentials), discovering a new hobby or skill became an achievement. I know some are not used to staying at home for three months but those who enjoyed this quarantine made a lot of bonding moments with their loved ones through baking or cooking. As we adapt to the new normal way of living, safety precaution must be observed at all times that's why in order to practice social distancing and minimize contact from the outside world, shopping online is still the best option when buying essentials.

     Did you know that you can purchase groceries via PayMaya online? Yes, that's how convenient to have a PayMaya app installed in your mobile phones especially now that we are avoiding the risk of cash handling. We do our weekly grocery of ingredients like fresh produce, meat, and other food items through online stores and use PayMaya as our payment method. Speaking of cooking, there's one recipe that we enjoyed cooking over and over again because it's made of simple ingredients, easy to cook, and healthy. Sharing the recipe of Kinamatisang Manok after the jump.

How to Cook Kinamatisang Manok for Your Family

5 Safety Tips in The New Normal

Monday, June 22, 2020

     Welcome to the New Normal- the most used and abused word in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to, "new normal" means a new way of living and going about our lives, work, and interaction with other people. It's an adjustment that we have to do and follow daily as long as the world has not found a cure or vaccine for COVID-19.

     Basically, this "new normal" is all about safety and how we are going to protect and prevent the spread of the virus inside our homes and in the community as we shift from strict to a more relaxed quarantine here in Metro Manila. We are given a new set of rules, do's and dont's, and protocols that will keep us safe at all times as we go on with our lives starting today until the world declares that we won this war against COVID-19. There's no need to panic because everyone is doing their best to keep themselves and their families safe in these trying times.

5 Safety Tips in The New Normal

5 Dad-Approved Restaurants for a #DontPayCashPayMaya Father's Day Celebration

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

     Father's Day is just around the corner and you're in for a hassle-free celebration for dad with the help of PayMaya! While the current public health situation means we can’t go out and celebrate as we used to, it won’t stop us from enjoying our family’s company. Today's celebration under the New Normal entails that we have to be more mindful about physical distancing, including staying at home as much as possible. So if you’re in for an awesome celebration at home like family lunch or dinner, treat your dads with great food from his favorite restaurant 

     You can easily organize Father's Day celebrations from the comfort of your own home as most restaurants today already accept online transactions. And with PayMaya, paying for your orders is not only much easier, but it is also more rewarding. Pay for your meals using only the mobile number registered to your PayMaya account for an added layer of convenience and security. With this payment option from PayMaya, paying is much quicker and easier. By paying online, you also avoid the risk caused by cash handling plus you can even enjoy 1%, 10%, or 100% BalikBayad on your order. 

5 Dad-Approved Restaurants for a #DontPayCashPayMaya Father's Day Celebration


© Dear Kitty Kittie Kath- Top Lifestyle, Beauty, Mommy, Health and Fitness Blogger Philippines.