
Collective Giveaway Winnings II

Thursday, June 20, 2013

     Exactly a month ago I posted the first part of my collective winnings and I'm very thankful for the prizes and my first magazine feature courtesy of BDJ Box and Pantene Philippines. I told   you in this post HERE that there's another batch of prizes from the giveaways that I've joined. So here it is, the second part of my giveaway winnings from January to May. I will randomly post the photos of the prizes here because I forgot the date when I won the said giveaways, old age I guess? Haha! I'm very happy to share this second part of the giveaway winnings I accumulated for the past few months because one of the giveaways that I've joined made my entry be featured in Smart Parenting magazine. My story for Wilkins Moms Know Best is one of the the runners-up and will be featured on the September issue. The story that I shared there is not beauty or skin care related. It's all about being a mother. I'll post the link of my story here and hope that it will serve an inspiration to all moms and parents out there. Another reason why this post is very delayed because some of the prizes had to be claimed personally like the Godiva Skin Care Set which I claimed during the Bloggers United 5 event while the cash prize and Wilkins GCs at the Ogilvy office. As a full-time mom, I have to schedule the claiming of prizes during hubby's rest day when he can look after my son. I will just make this post quick, thank you for reading dears!

Wilkins Moms Know Best Share Your Story Promo
runner-up prize: P5,000 cash, P5,000 Wilkins Gift Certificate, publication in Smart Parenting magazine.

OOTD: Denim and Chiffon

Saturday, October 20, 2012

     I'm already getting the hang of taking outfit shot in public :D I found a new photographer in the presence of my younger brother ;P But this just came coincidentally since all the outfit shots he took was taken during his free time. If I'm saying that backlogs are piling up before (usually this goes with haul, product review and event posts) I think my backlogs are piling up again and this time for my outfit of the day. I'm a very shy and soft spoken person that's why I really feel uncomfortable taking pictures in public alone. I always want to take pictures in group or with my son and ze hubby. But now I can say that I'm slowly getting used to take my outfit shots alone anywhere :D

     Here's what I wore when I attended Kanebo's Radiant Beauty Makeup Workshop at Rustan's Makati last week. I preferred the morning sesh around 10 a.m. so that I can go home early and go straight to the dialysis center to look after my father. I had a great time during the workshop that I'll muse on my next post. For this outfit, I just decided to wear something that I think will look good on me but I'm not sure if they really "match". 


© Dear Kitty Kittie Kath- Top Lifestyle, Beauty, Mommy, Health and Fitness Blogger Philippines.