
Feature: SPLAT Toothpaste

Monday, November 15, 2021

     When it comes to the food that we eat and the products we use on our skin, I always make sure to check the ingredients because not all are beneficial for us. That’s why when it comes to oral care, I also make sure to check the ingredients because I’m always looking for targeted solutions.

     So excited to know that SPLAT, a pioneer in natural oral care in European and Asian countries, is finally in the Philippines. The Russian brand provides natural and healthier oral care while saving the environment. Switching to natural toothpaste, natural toothbrush and other complementary products is a good way to update your dental care routine. More information about the brand and the variants they currently offer in the select stores below.

SPLAT Toothpaste

Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

     As a mom, I want the best for my son but in my opinion it's hard to give the best if you don't have the resources and if you are not aware of the basic things with regards to health and wellness. Our child's health is the top most priority especially in their growing up years. I admit that I only knew few things about raising a child when I got pregnant but I've learned a lot from everyday experiences. But there's one thing that I think I've taken for granted in Kenzo's health- the oral care department. 

     Brushing thrice a day is not enough. There are more things that I need to know and learn about child's oral care. There are myths that I need to debunk and there are so much more to learn in children's oral care that I need to start teaching my son so that he will be equipped with proper knowledge as he grow up. My parents were so busy back then that's why I admit that I don't have healthy smiles growing up. In this post, I will share with you all the important things about children's oral care that I've learned during our quiz-off with Colgate. 
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
     Colgate took oral care awareness to a higher notch when it held the “Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives” quiz-off last August 26, Wednesday, at the Seda Hotel in BGC. The invited mommy bloggers had a blast during the quiz night style event. I'm so glad that I was invited in this kind of test-you-knowledge kind of event. I learned a lot from the basics of oral care to the most confusing and complicated ones.

     “Oral care is and will always be one of the core aspects of a child’s health and well-being. By presenting facts and debunking oral health myths in an engaging way, we are making it relevant to the representatives of new-age moms, the bloggers,” shares Robillo.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
     Colgate’s resident dentists, Dr. Bong David, Dr. Louie Quiambaoand Dr. Noel Luna, as well as the BSBF/Public Health/Professional Oral Care Digital Manager, Diomar Escat, also busted some general myths and misconceptions, and even shared useful trivia about kids’ oral care.

HERE ARE THE FACTS/TRUTH everyone should know about oral care:

1. The perfect angle to tilt the toothbrush is 45 degrees for optimal reach.

     So how do you brush your teeth? Are you doing it the right way? Think again. You have to tilt the toothbrush in 45 degrees like what you see in the photo below. After brushing SPIT- yes, SPIT DO NOT GARGLE with water then spit again. Gah, for the past 30 years of my life I'm doing the brush, gargle, and spit ritual. 

     This is so wrong according to Colgate's resident dentists. Gargling with water defeats the purpose of your toothpaste. It will only rinse the fluoride that will protect our teeth from oral cavities. NOW I KNOW!!!! After the event, I always make sure that I just spit the remaining toothpaste in my mouth. No rinsing at all. It feels odd at first but after a week, I get used to it already :)
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Model of a child's teeth
     Another thing is to use soft bristle toothbrush and brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Use a sweeping motion in upper and lower front and back part of the teeth. Gently move the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes for the outer and inner chewing surfaces of the teeth. Don't forget to brush your tongue too.

     Colgate has a wide range of toothbrushes suitable for your oral care needs. This Colgate Slim Soft toothbrush is the newest addition that will give a deeper and healthier clean.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Colgate Slimsoft Charcoal Toothbrush
2. It is best to rinse with a non-alcohol based mouthwash before brushing your teeth.

     A non-alcohol or alcohol based mouthwash doesn't matter as long as you use your mouthwash before brushing your teeth. Why? Using mouthwash after brushing will defeat the purpose of fluoride toothpaste. It will just rinse the fluoride that protects our teeth. Also, using mouthwash before brushing will loosen up the particles stuck in our teeth.

     You can use Colgate Plax mouthwash for a cleaner, fresher, and healthier mouth. It cleans hard to reach places in your mouth. Kills bacteria up to 99.9%, protects for 12 hours and there's no burning sensation like other brands in the market.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Colgate Plax Peppermint Mouthwash
3. The acidity of your food or drink must be considered before brushing your teeth.

     We all know that we need to brush our teeth right after eating so that we'll get rid of the bacteria that sugary foods leave in our mouth. BUT there are instances that brushing our teeth right after eating can affect our tooth enamel. That's why we have to consider first the acidity of food or drink before brushing our teeth.
     According to the Mayo Clinic, if you've consumed anything acidic, you should avoid brushing your teeth for at least 30 minutes. Foods containing citric acid, like oranges, grapefruits and lemons, weaken tooth enamel. Brushing too soon after eating them can damage the enamel in its weakened state. Consequently, it's a good idea to brush your teeth before eating an acidic food and to drink a glass of water when you are finished to wash away the acids. As an alternative to waiting to brush your teeth, try eating nutritious foods that are low in carbohydrates and sugar after eating something acidic. This will help reduce the harmful acids that such foods can create.  
4. 9/10 Filipino children have cavities.

     Recent studies shows that 9 out of 10 Filipino children have cavities. This number only shows that there's a negligence in the family about children's oral health. Colgate is here to help and they have a campaign to raise awareness in oral health and hygiene.

5. The ideal length of floss is 20 inches.

     I'm guilty! I don't floss my teeth everyday. It is recommended to floss your teeth everyday so that particles of food that is stuck in between your teeth will loosen up to totally get rid off.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Colgate Total Mint Dental Floss
6. There are 500-650 types of bacteria species living in the oral cavity.

     How many is that? Lots. That's why it is very important to know the do's and dont's about oral health in children and in general as well. 

7. Mouthwash takes care of the spaces inside the mouth that your toothbrush cannot reach.

     Yes this is true that's why it is recommended to use mouthwash before brushing your teeth. Or if you can't do this before brushing your teeth, wait at least 1  hour after brushing so that fluoride from your tooth paste will be absorbed by your teeth first before your mouthwash rinse them.

8. Tooth stains are caused by internal and external factors.

     Stains are caused by external factors like coffee, tea, and wine. If you smoke, your teeth will get those nasty stains too. Not only that, there are internal factors that can stain teeth and it includes tetracyline, a known antibiotic that treats acne. If you're a long time user of this medicine, then you're teeth are prone to stains.

9. Primary or "baby" teeth can get cavities that spread to other teeth, if left untreated.

     Baby teeth can get cavities, obviously from the milk. If left untreated, bacteria from oral cavities will spread to other tooth and will be prone to cavities. More details about children oral care below.


1. Retain the milk teeth as much as possible.

     If you're thinking that you need to get rid of that milk teeth right away, think again. These primary teeth will serve as a guide on your child's permanent teeth. That's why as long as the milk teeth are intact, let it stay there. If your child's teeth have cavities, visit the dentist immediately. He/she will assess the condition of your child's teeth. If there are holes due to cavities, it is best to have a tooth filling to cover the cavities. Extraction is not advisable as long as there's no sign of permanent teeth coming out yet.

2. Bring your child to the dental clinic at an early age.

     You may say at 1, 2, or 3, years old right? But it is best to bring your child to the dentist as soon as you see a tooth at 6 months perhaps? Yes, you should bring  your child to the dentist at an early age so that he/she will get familiar to the place. Don't bring them if your child is in pain, it will not be a happy trip to the dentist if for the first visit, their teeth will undergo filling or extraction.

3. Babies Can’t Get Cavities.

     As I've said above YES they get cavities. From the formula milk they drink and if they are already eating solid food at  6 months.

4. Once a Tooth Is Treated, the Decay Stops.

     The decay stops as long as you practice strict and proper oral hygiene. But nobody's perfect. We can't prevent our little ones crave for sweets. We can't stop them from eating candies but we can prevent them from getting cavities by teaching them at an early age the importance of oral hygiene.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Kenzo and his Colgate Spiderman Toothpaste
5. What amount of toothpaste is appropriate for young ones?

     It is best to use a pea-size amount of toothpaste for our little ones. If they still don't know how to spit, Colgate's anti-cavity toothpaste for kids is highly recommended. There's Colgate Spiderman Toothpaste that makes brushing fun everyday. It comes in bubble fruit flavor in a sparkling blue gel that gently cleans young teeth and helps protect against cavities. It only contains around 550 ppm fluoride so it's safe for kids who can't spit toothpaste. For the little girls, there's also a Colgate Barbie Toothpaste to make brushing fun and exciting!
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Colgate Toothpaste for Kids
6. Sugar Is the Only Thing That Causes Cavities.

     NO. It is not only sugar that causes cavities but the acid-producing bacteria in our mouth that feast on carbohydrates like starch from food that we love like bread or potato chips. Bacteria loves them too!

    Good news! Colgate's newest variant of toothpaste that can neutralize sugar acid is here. So if your child can and knows how to spit, you can share this toothpaste variant with them. Remember: share this with them if they really know how to spit to avoid ingestion large amounts of fluoride.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Colgate Sugar Acid Neutralizer Toothpaste
7. Aspirin Next to a Tooth Will Help a Toothache

     I'm not sure if you're familiar with this but placing an Aspirin like Medicol inside the cavities will help a toothache go away. Aspirin is a pain reliever, it will relieve the pain of the aching tooth caused by cavities but it will not treat the underlying cause of your toothache. Visit the dentist for the best treatment. Always remember to brush your child's teeth everyday. It's the first defense against cavities. Kenzo's supporting Colgate's campaign for zero cavities :)
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Colgate for ZERO CAVITIES!
8. When is my child ready to get orthodontic braces?

     Your dentist will help in assessing the right age to get braces but as early as 6 years old, if the condition of the teeth says so, then you can give it a shot.

     This post is a bit lengthy because I really, really learned a lot! There are other things I want to share like the sealant and fluoride varnish but that will be on my next post. I want to thank Colgate Philippines for having me. The bloggers’ event serves as one of the toothpaste brand’s efforts to keep parents abreast about the importance of proper oral health for them and the rest of the family.
Colgate Healthy Smiles for Healthy Lives Mommy Bloggers Event
Nuffnang Mommy bloggers with 
Colgate’s resident dentists, Dr. Bong David, Dr. Louie Quiambaoand Dr. Noel Luna, as well as the BSBF/Public Health/Professional Oral Care Digital Manager, Diomar Escat
    Robillo continues, “As long as Colgate is alive and well, it will continue to promote the oral welfare of every Filipino family. Healthy lives start with healthy smiles.”

For more information about Colgate- their products, oral care tips and other important facts about oral hygeiene visit their Oral Care Center: 

Good Times!~

Product Review: Kodomo Toothpaste for Children

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

     Hi dearies, here's a short review of Kenzo's favorite toothpaste as of the moment. From the first time we saw it in the grocery shelves until now, Kenzo is always excited using this brand of toothpaste. I guess this is because of the flavor, it's toothy fruity plus the scent that lingers after brushing his teeth.

     I'm not expecting this toothpaste to make his whiter. I just want to make sure that even though he doesn't have permanent teeth yet, he is starting to care about oral health. More details about Kodomo Toothpaste below :)
Product Review: Kodomo Toothpaste for Children
According to Kodomo's website:

     There is common misconception that milk teeth are not important since it will be replaced by permanent teeth. The truth is: milk teeth play an extremely important role in the grown and development of every child. They also hold the spaces for the growth of permanent teeth and impact on speech and mental development such as confidence and self-esteem. Yet, 4 out of 10 preschoolers in Singapore have severe tooth decay**, which can affect children’s general health.

     Established since 1982, Kodomo believes in cultivating good dental habits from young. Using Lion Japan’s advanced dental technology; Kodomo has specially developed a wide range of children oral care products for babies and children aged from 6 months to 12 years old.

     Kodomo children oral care range is available in cheerful animal designs (I think this is not yet available here in out country as I haven't seen one) and fruity flavors to make brushing a twice daily fun activity for children.

  • Use Kodomo soft-bristled toothbrushes for thorough cleaning while gentle to gums
  • Use Kodomo fluoridated children's toothpaste to protect teeth against cavities effectively
  • Visit dentist twice a year

Product Review: Kodomo Toothpaste for Children
  • Helps to provide Dual Protection (Enamel Protection and Cavity Prevention) against tooth decay. It has: Xylitol - a safe and natural ingredient to enhance the fluoride action; helps to strengthen teeth enamel and Active Fluoride that helps to fight against cavities 
  • Sugar-Free
  • Available in 4 flavours (2 sizes): Strawberry, Grape, Orange, Apple 

Product Review: Kodomo Toothpaste for Children
size: 45g/ 1.4 oz

price: 31 php (Around $0.66+)

place bought: Hypermarket, SM Fairview

instruction for use: For children 6 years old and below use a pea-sized amount for supervised brushing to minimize swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources, consult a dentist or a doctor.

ingredients: Sorbitol, Water, Silica, Xylitol, Propylene Glycol, Titatnium Dioxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Flavor, Zantham Gum, Algin, Sodium Polyacrylate, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Fluoride, Methylparaben, Butylparaben
Product Review: Kodomo Toothpaste for Children
Not a twist up cap/cover
Product Review: Kodomo Toothpaste for Children
Strawberry and Apple flavor
What I like:

  • The packaging is attractive. I believe that this kind of visual means "brushing of teeth is fun" for my son.
  • The cover of this toothpaste cannot be rotated, you have to manually force it upward to open and I prefer this type of cap so that Kenzo would not play with it when I'm not around.
  • The price is so affordable.
  • It has 4 flavors to choose from.
  • The scent is true to the flavor of this toothpaste.
  • After brushing his teeth, the apple scent lingers.
  • A pea-size is enough for one brushing.
  • It bubbles unlike other toddler's/kid's toothpaste available in the market today.
  • It contains Xylitol and it's sugar-free.
  • This toothpaste contains sodium fluoride to strengthen teeth but some moms would veer away from this because they fear that their toddler will swallow the toothpaste if their children still don't know how to gargle and spit. 
  • There's a batch, manufacturing, and expiry date printed on flap of the toothpaste box.
  • Easily accessible.

What I don't like:

  • Contains parabens.

Will I repurchase? Yes. This is Kenzo's favorite brand of toothpaste as of the moment and we use different flavors on rotation.

     I give this a 4.75/5 rating. As for the parabens, as long as Kenzo is not swallowing the toothpaste I'm good with it but I'm still a bit worries because there are reports that parabens can cause cancer. Anyhoo, teach you children at an early age to brush his teeth 3 times a day. If you can, include gargling and spitting so that you will not worry about ingesting the fluoride present in his toothpaste. 

What's your little one's favorite toothpaste brand? Share your thoughts on the comment section below :)

Good Times!~

Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and Mouthwash

Sunday, June 07, 2015

     Having sensitive teeth or pangigilo is a pain that can hinder precious little moments in our lives. I experience sensitive teeth or pangigilo most of the time because of underlying conditions of my teeth. Most of my teeth had undergone root canal procedure years ago and have veneers already. Since I'm a coffee lover, drinking my favorite caffeine fix hot or cold gives a feeling of "ouch" sensation. There's always a love-hate relationship because it's like yay for coffee and nyay for sensitivity. 

     I was invited by GSK last Friday to the launch of Say No to Ngilo Campaign. This event also paved way for the launch of their new product- Sensodyne Mouthwash. Yay! With this addition to the oral care regimen of people suffering from sensitive teeth or pangigilo, I'm sure that you and me will enjoy those great little moments with food, drinks, and the company of over loved ones. Read important facts below and what you should know about sensitive teeth or pangigilo plus win a trip to South Korea by joining Sensodyne's Great Little Moments campain :)
Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Yummy Caramel Cheesecake from CO/OP
Here are the facts about sensitive teeth or pangigilo:     

  • For 9 out of 10 Filipinos who suffer from sensitive teeth or pangingilo, “sensitive” is a bit of an understatement to describe the delicate condition of their teeth. 
  • Sensitive teeth or pangigilo is characterized by a short, sharp, shooting pain, which many sufferers often choose to just endure, the discomfort caused by sensitive teeth may only last for a short period, but the emotional effects of missing out on those precious moments with your loved ones over food and drinks has a far longer impact. 
  • Sensitive teeth occurs when the layer of enamel becomes thin and exposes the softer dentine underneath. This soft layer makes up the inner part of the tooth leading to the tooth’s nerve center and triggers the pain you feel. 
  • Other things that can cause sensitive teeth are: brushing too hard or using a hard bristled toothbrush, teeth grinding, gingivitis (gum disease), receding gums. 
  • Sensitive teeth or pangigilo can also be an early warning sign of a more serious dental problem according to Dr. Rannier Reyes of the Philippine Periodontal Society.
Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and MouthwashDr. Rannier Reyes of the Philippine Periodontal Society
     Last year, GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of Sensodyne, the #1 sensitivity toothpaste in the Philippines which is also recommended by dentists, spearheaded the “Say No to Ngilo” advocacy where dentists, consumers and Sensodyne came together to enjoin everyone to heed the call to take action to no longer endure the discomfort of pangingilo. 
Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Hosted by Sam Oh
     In 2015, GSK and Sensodyne takes the advocacy a notch higher with the launch of “Great Little Moments” digital campaign which encourages Filipinos not only to “Say No to Ngilo,” but also share their experiences after converting to Sensodyne and how they are able to fully enjoy their great little moments sensitivity-free. 
Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and MouthwashHeather Pelier, Incoming Consumer Healthcare General Manager, GSK Philippines
“With the start of the summer season, everyone is now looking for someplace or something cool, be it at the beach, the pool or even just a quick respite from the heat with some cold drinks or a cone of ice cream, but if you have sensitive teeth, enjoying those cold treats can be a bit tricky,” says Heather Pelier, Incoming Consumer Healthcare General Manager, GSK Philippines. “But it’s more than just missing out on food. When you choose to just endure the pain, you do it at the expense of fully enjoying experiences and social occasions that go along with it, making you miss out on those great little moments with your loved ones,” Pelier added. 
    This campaign encourages consumers to share their “Great Little Moments” in the Sensodyne Philippines website ( by uploading a photo of a moment (eg. sipping hot chocolate, eating halo-halo, etc.) they can now fully enjoy because they are pangingilo-free. Winners of the contest will win a trip for two to South Korea. 

    Sensodyne brand ambassador, Luis Manzano shared to us the ugly truth about sensitive teeth and pangigilo. He said this sudden pain can ruin the mood, stop you for being excited on tasting new food that is sweet or cold. There are precious little moments that are totally affected because of that sudden pain.
Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Sensodyne brand ambassador Luis Manzano
     Heather Pelier adds, “Our message is simple, there is no need for sensitivity to impact anyone’s life. Making a simple change to one’s oral care regimen will make a real difference. Now that Sensodyne has reached out to more Filipinos who used to just endure the pain, we want to encourage them to tell their stories now that they can enjoy their favorite food and drinks and fully enjoy the eating moments with their family and friends without fear of pangingilo.” 

Fresher breath with Sensodyne Mouthwash 
    With the launch of the new campaign, GSK is introducing the new Sensodyne Mouthwash to complement its toothpaste and complete its expert sensitivity regimen to help consumers put an end to teeth sensitivity. 

Why choose Sensodyne Mouthwash?
Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Sensodyne Mouthwash in Extra Fresh and Cool Mint variant 250 ml for Php 165
  • The new Sensodyne Mouthwash has all the benefits of a regular mouthwash like providing lasting freshening effect, and fluoride to strengthen teeth and protect against decay. 
  • It’s alcohol-free plus it gives pangingilo relief. 
  • It has two variants (Cool Mint and Extra Fresh 250mL) at Php165 SRP. 
  • The mouthwash is distributed in major supermarkets and drugstores nationwide. 
  • Sensodyne Mouthwash is highly recommend to pair with Sensodyne Toothpaste for daily protection against pangigilo. Double protection from one oral care brand!

Say No To Ngilo with Sensodyne Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Sensodyne Toothpaste Gentle Whitening, Sensodyne Toothpaste Fresh Mint, and Sensodyne Toothpaste Repair and Protect
     So, if you have pangingilo, switching to Sensodyne to replace your regular toothpaste and mouthwash can make a big difference not only in your enjoyment of everyday life, but also in your overall oral health. 

     Don’t let the pain of sensitivity get in the way. Say No to Ngilo and Yes to those Great Little Moments! I've tried Sensodyne Toothpaste before and I can say that it's really effective in protecting my teeth from pangigilo. 

For more information about Sensodyne, visit
Like them on Facebook: SensodynePH

Dentiste Kiss at Mystery Box in BGC

Saturday, February 14, 2015

     Yesterday, Dentiste finally unveiled their Valentine's surprise called  the #MysterBoxinBGC by located at BGC High Street in front of Fully Booked. We were all waiting to see what's inside the mystery box and of course we're all excited as love is already in the air. What to do this Valentine's day aside from the usual date? Come and visit the #MysteryBox in BGC and experience a once in a lifetime Valentine's day celebration with your loved ones! Bring your family and friends to and I'm sure all of you will have the loveliest Valentine's, thanks to Dentiste' To know more about the Dentiste Kiss Mystery Box in BGC click CONTINUE READING loves!
Dentiste Kiss at Mystery Box in BGC


© Dear Kitty Kittie Kath- Top Lifestyle, Beauty, Mommy, Health and Fitness Blogger Philippines.