My hands are the most overworked/abused part of my body because I have hands-on job everyday. From the time I wake up, my hands are ready to do different tasks like cleaning the house, washing the dishes that includes cleaning feeding bottles and if time permits do a light laundry. Aside from mommy duties, I also spent more than five hours on the computer typing articles to be published on this blog. I admit that at an early age I have vein-y hands. My grand mother said I got it from the stress. I'm also allergic to laundry detergents and dish-washing liquids that's why my hands are dry and itchy after washing the dishes and doing the laundry. If you'll ask me if I have a separate skin care product to lessen the itchiness and dryness on my hands, my answer would be none not until Natura Organics sent me a tub of their hand cream. Thanks to Ms. Ophelia of Ophelia_NaturaOrganics for this heaven-sent product.
I'm an OC mommy but I'm not that vain in taking good care of my hands. All I have in mind is that the lotions that I'm using in my body will also do the job in the moisturizing department of my hands. I'm truly wrong because hand creams are very essential and important part of ones skin care. I'm lucky that I've got the first dibs on this product from Natura Organics and I'm very much confident to say that this hand cream made a big difference on the texture and tone of my hands. Now I agree to the phrase "yung kamay mo parang hindi sanay sa trabahong bahay" (Your hand looks like not used to household chores). Even the hubby felt the difference on the texture of my hands one time and asked what did I do to the flaky and dry part on the sides of my fingers. I told him my secret-now-not-secret weapon to combat dry and irritated hands. Excited to see the full details of my review? Click CONTINUE READING and smile!
Natura Organics Cellular Radiance Intensive Hand Repair Cream SPF50 |