It's rainy season again and I'm sure that mothers like me feared one thing- Dengue Fever! Yes, I associate rainy season with this dreadful disease because I became a victim too not once but twice! I had dengue fever when I was in grade school and in college. Dengue fever during my elementary days (1994) was not as scary as today because there's only one stage. Even though it's not as scary today, I was admitted at the hospital and was confined and monitored from time to time because my platelet was going down. Antibiotics and paracetamol was given and thank God that I survived. The second incident was worse because aside from the symptoms that I felt when I was 10 years old, new symptoms emerge like nose bleed, bruises and vomiting.
If my memory serves me right, the last Dengue Fever I had scared the hell out of me. I was confined in the hospital and was delusional that time. This disease is really scary and should be taken seriously because there's no known cure until now. Affected children are the ones who suffered too much because they don't know that a single bit of the female mosquito can threaten their lives.
That's why when I was invited to the Aksyon Laban sa Dengue with GlaxoSmithKline's Paracetamol Calpol Event last August 29, I didn't hesitate and said yes to the invitation. I'm aware that Dengue Fever already evolved from different stages that's why I need to hear factual information from the experts in this field. This is a very serious matter dearies so to know more about Dengue Fever management and the campaign of DOH to fight this disease, click CONTINUE READING and let's help in spreading the awareness!
Aksyon Laban sa Dengue with GlaxoSmithKline's Paracetamol Calpol Event Ms. Suzi Entrata-Abrera hosted the event |