whitening soap

Product Review: Gluta Advance White and Firm Soap

Sunday, January 11, 2015

     Hi dearies! Here's another review of whitening soap that I'm sure whitening skin care fanatics will be interested to try. There are so many whitening soaps in the market today. Different combinations and formulations so I presume many are having a hard time choosing what brand to buy. Aside from whitening and anti-aging combo, whitening and slimming/firming is making a name in the limelight of Filipina skin care essentials.

     Gluta Advance White and Firm is the brand behind the whitening and firming combination in their skin care products. This combination is present in their soap, facial wash, facial toner, facial cream, and lotion. Today, I'll be reviewing their Gluta Advance White and Firm Soap. Click CONTINUE READING to know more about the product.
Product Review: Gluta Advance White and Firm Soap
photo from dermpharma

Product Review: Mischka Derma Secret Milky White Soap

Friday, December 19, 2014

     Hi dearies! I think everyone is soo excited for Christmas and busy with parties and gatherings. I just want to squeeze in this review that's been sitting my blog dashboard for weeks now. Mischka Derma Secret sent me 3 bars of their milky white soap. If my memory serves me right, this is my first time reviewing a whitening soap that is goat's milk and glutathione combined. Before I forgot, goat's milk is also considered one of the effective whitening soap variant for sensitive skin.

     I presume you already know that some celebrities immerse themselves in a tub of milk. I can still recall that in one of the pages from my history book says that one of Cleopatra's beauty secret was milk bath. It's so luxurious, right? Good thing there are variant of soaps that contains goat's milk and glad to know that Mischka Derma Secret formulated this soap in combination with glutathione. So without further ado, here's my honest to goodness review of Mischka Derma Secret Milky White Soap after finishing a bar in 4 weeks. Click CONTINUE READING now!
Product Review: Mischka Derma Secret Milky White Soap

Feature: Skin Beautanicals by Jianne Skin Essentials

Saturday, December 13, 2014

     Hi dearies! My apologies for being MIA (missing in action) :( Internet connection is acting up for the fast few days hence I wasn't able to update you with product features and reviews plus another giveaway that I've promised last week. Anyhoo, I received a new batch of organic skin care products from Skin Beautanicals by Jianne Skin Essentials. When the products came in our doorsteps, I was surprised to see a new variant of soap that I'll be road testing in the coming weeks. This is the snail filtrate repairing soap. Snail slime or mucus had been the talk of the town last year and early this year for its healing properties. If my memory serves me right, I've seen tv and magazine features about skin care products containing this 'miracle' ingredient from the snail. According to what I've heard, the slime/mucus/filtrate has healing and repairing properties for problematic skin. 

     The brands that I saw carrying a snail line are mostly Korean brands. I think they're the ones who first introduced the snail mucus or slime as an anti-aging and repairing agent in the world of skin care. That's why I was intrigued when I saw Skin Beautanicals Snail Filtrate Soap, the first organic soap with snail filtrate that I'll be trying to date. Of course not only the snail soap that made me giddy to road test their products because Ms. Roxanne of Jianne Skin Essentials also included their organic arbutin with argan oil soap and arbutin lotion for me to try. But first let me share with you information about these products so click CONTINUE READING and find out :)
Feature: Skin Beautanicals by Jianne Skin Essentials

Product Review: Glupa Glutathione+Papaya Soap

Thursday, December 04, 2014

     I've tried a lot of whitening soaps sold in the market today. If you're a lurker in this blog, prolly you know that I've switched to organic soaps for the sake of my sensitive skin. I'm fair already, to begin with, whitening soaps either lighten skin blemishes that I get from pimple marks, insect bites or minor wounds like paper cut or from unconsciously scratching my skin while sleeping. I use whitening soap to maintain or even out my skin tone because there are times that I'm always out running errands in the afternoon. A change in a tone like one shade lighter is a bonus for me and it only means that the soap is very effective. For reference, I'm NC 15-20 in MAC.

     Anyhoo, I was invited by Age Defy Solutions the makers of Glupa products to an intimate gathering of beauty bloggers months ago. They gave us full-sized samples of their skin care products to try. The first product that I'm giddy to road test was the Glupa soap. I got intrigued with this whitening soap because the endorser is Boy Abunda. It is also a whitening soap that contains a powerful combination of glutathione and papaya. After a month of using the soap, here's my honest to goodness review of Glupa (Glutathione + Papaya) soap. Click CONTINUE READING and find out my experience.

Product Review: Glupa Glutathione+Papaya Soap

Product Review: Olay Natural White Bar

Monday, November 10, 2014

     Having fair skin from face to body is still a desire amongst many Filipinas. Younger females will do anything just to achieve skin that is fairer than their current state. A whitening soap is a starting point for women in their journey to whiter skin. There are so many whitening bar soaps products available these days, and some that might even come with other unwanted effects such as rough and patchy skin, or tingling / burning sensation. But, natural and healthy fairness is not just about the tone of your skin. You also need to have skin that’s smooth and even toned.

     I've tried so many whitening soap and each has its own characteristics. But the most effective variants of whitening soap in the market are those containing papaya extract and vitamin c to name a few. I'm happy that one of the trusted brand in skin care came up with their own whitening body bars that promises not only whiter skin but healthy and glowing too!

    Olay is the World’s # 1 Facial Skincare brand. It is an internationally renowned and premium skin care brand that is trusted by millions of women worldwide. It’s also #1 in the Philippines! I'm sure you've seen these soaps in the grocery shelves and fret not because the price is very affordable! To know more about Olay Natural White Bar, click CONTINUE READING.
Product Review: Olay Natural White Bars
Olay Natural White Healthy Fairness with Vitamin C
Olay Natural White Healthy Fairness with Papaya Extract


© Dear Kitty Kittie Kath- Top Lifestyle, Beauty, Mommy, Health and Fitness Blogger Philippines.