Hi dearies! Haul time :) I presume you already know that you can grab mini and full-sized samples of skin care, hair care, tools, makeup and diet products from Sample Room. Since SR replenishes their samples once or twice a month, I can say that it is a must for beauty and lifestyle blogger like me to grab a samples of new and exciting products in order to give you first dibs before they're sold in the market. I've been getting samples from Sample Room monthly and I need to become a ninja once in a while with the speed and agility skills. Samples run out so fast, that's why when you see samples on their site grab it immediately or you'll regret it afterwards. Anyhoo, I wasn't able to grab samples last February and this post is supposed to be published last March. It's May already but this loot is still worth sharing because I got samples from my favorite brands. Click CONTINUE READING to see product details :)
Sample Room Products for March + Thank You Romwe Whisper Cottony long, Oracare Mouthwash in Cool, Colour Collection Ultimate Wear Lipstick in Headturner, Celeteque Advanced Anti-Aging Cleansing Oil |