Setting Up a Beauty Product Business From Your Home

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

     Many people are looking for ways to earn a little extra money by working from home, and for women especially, there are plenty of opportunities in the beauty product market. However, there is much to consider before embarking on such a venture, from creating a brand to learning how to market your products.

Setting Up a Beauty Product Business From Your Home

To franchise or not to franchise?

     When thinking about setting up a beauty product business, there are two routes to consider: creating your own products and selling them under your brand, or becoming a franchisee and selling another company’s products. There are advantages to both. Becoming a franchisee means a great deal of the administrative work, as well as the creation of the products themselves, has already been done for you, but it also means that you are committed to promoting only the company’s brand and doing things their way. Going it alone and selling your own brand means you have complete control over every aspect of your business, but the responsibility for success or failure resides wholly with you.

     If you decide to set up your own brand, one of the key elements of your business will be your marketing campaigns. You may want to start small and local with traditional marketing techniques such as direct mail, leafleting or sending out free samples. For these approaches, you will need to invest some money on stationery and possibly a graphic designer for your letter and envelope design. Many printing firms offer graphic design as well as printing, so always check out websites for more information on your stationery options.

     Alternatively, you can tap into social media to get the word out about your new business. Facebook, for example, allows you to create a business page that could also serve as your business’s website. This is a great way to build up a following and market your business to interested parties. With Facebook, you also have the opportunity to create paid-for, targeted advertisements, which may deliver results, but only time will tell with this kind of marketing. Be sure to include a gallery or portfolio of your products with your online presence, as people need to see what they are buying. Remember to also solicit reviews whenever possible.

     Perhaps the best way to succeed with a home-based beauty product business is to specialize, so consider what makes your products unique, such as being organic or using only Free Fair Trade ingredients, and focus on these aspects whenever possible as you continue to grow and promote your brand.

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