As we welcome the new year, another chapter in life is waiting for us. Some are excited about what's in store this 2023 while others are not yet ready because of uncertainty. The past two years brought us fear, panic, and anxiety. The pandemic has changed the world instantly.
Whether we like it or not, it changed the way we live. It taught us many things and made us realize that life is too short so we should make the most of it. As we live and adapt to the new normal setting, I learned that these aspects of life are important and must not be taken for granted. Sharing the important life lessons that I learned last year below.
4 Important Life Lessons I Learned in 2022 image from |
1. Self-Care
One of the most used words during the pandemic. Others call it "me-time" and it's something that we always take for granted because we think it's unnecessary. Pre-pandemic, I like to finish all the tasks in one sitting. Even if I'm tired, I will bear my sleepiness and finish it even if it's not the deadline. There were times that I only get 4-5 hours of sleep and this has taken a toll on my health. It resulted in headaches every day, low energy, and anxiety.
When the pandemic hits, I decided to prioritize my physical and mental health. I take a break in between house chores and find time to nap. I also squeeze in 10-15 minutes of meditation and enjoy a cup of my favorite tea in the afternoon. These are the little things in life that I can say "I priority me."
2. Time Management
Learning how to manage time is another important life lesson I learned in the past years. Having a daily routine makes life easier. It makes me more productive every week. Journaling or writing down the things to do at home from the time I wake up until I close my eyes makes everything organized. Scheduling weekly tasks will help you finish the work faster. Efficiency is key.
3. Needs Over Wants
I presume you've heard millennials say "Adulting is real" from time to time and when they say this, it's because they realized that responsibilities pile up when you reached adulthood. This is the time when you are working or starting a family. Speaking of the latter, there are things that you need to give up and give your best the most. Another important thing that I learned not only last year but when I became a parent is choosing needs over wants.
This is the part of raising a family where you need to prioritize basic necessities over the things that you wish in order to add comfort to your life. I'm glad that I was able to master this over the years and last year, it became easier to sustain our needs and consider our wants after using the Budget Planner Calculator. It's true that creating a workable family budget can be difficult. Sometimes, it's hard to allocate a certain amount to a necessity because of inflation and other factors that will affect the budget in these trying times. I'm glad that I stumbled upon this free tool that helps me see where our money is going, and how we can save for the future.
4. Manifest
Whatever hardships, obstacles, and uncertainty life may bring, always see the good in every situation. Manifest! Always think positive. There will be solutions to problems. In order to start manifesting, create a vision board. See yourself achieving the things you've written two or five years from the time you visualize yourself in that situation. Say positive affirmations and let the universe conspires in your favor.
So there you go, these are the 4 important life lessons I learned last year that I will always cherish. These taught me how to improve the quality of life that I have now. These lessons made me a better person that's why I'll not get tired of doing them for the rest of my life.
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