Maybelline BB Cream

Maybelline's The Perfect First Impression #firstimpressionsmatter

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

     First Impression lasts, this quote is too cliché but makes an impact in different aspects of life. First impression is important and we should not take it for granted. Research shows that it only takes up to 8 seconds to make a first impression! We are given only one shot to put our best face forward, so let’s make it perfect! Maybelline recently launched an app called First Impressions Meter to find out what first impressions you make on others. It is a fun, one-of-a-kind app that gives you 8 seconds to decide your first impression of other people, while they decide their first impression of you! We are only given one chance to make a first impression, so how do we make sure it is perfect? Click CONTINUE READING to know more about Maybelline Instant Skin Perfection and some tips on making your prefect first impression.
Maybelline's The Perfect First Impression #firstimpressionsmatter


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