5 Important Question You Need To Answer Before Saying Yes

Saturday, March 30, 2019

     Have you been together for 5+ years? Chances are, you are going to get married sooner or later. According to a study conducted in 2018, people are more likely to get married after spending 4.9 years in a relationship. Women at 27 and men at 29 are the average age of marriage in the US according to the national Census Bureau. But apart from these statistics, when can you actually say you are ready to say yes?

     Marriage is a commitment, a contractual agreement between two loving people that is legally binding with obligations and responsibilities. When people get into these “contracts” it is the same way as saying you are dedicating your whole life to your significant other and are ready to raise a family together. These words may sound simple but that is heaps of responsibility, duty, concern, and accountability. Marriage is life-changing. You don’t only think about yourself anymore, you must put your spouse first.

5 Important Question You Need To Answer Before Saying Yes
photo from pexels.com

     In addition, wedding preparations can be seriously stressful, from the wedding dress, wedding venue, food, theme, guest list, and every little detail in between. But before all this, it all starts with one question “Will you marry me?”. The answer will be a make or break deal. It is not the easiest question you will ever have in life for sure, you need a certain level of assurance that both of you are ready. Both of you are in the same boat. For better or for worse.

     To help you assess whether you are ready to turn this chapter in life, here are some important questions you need to answer before saying yes.

Do You Want To Have Kids?

     Gone are the days where the ultimate goal in life is nothing more than raising kids. We learned that life is more than just that and become aware we have choices. But as an individual, do you see yourself raising a kid or a couple of kids? And more importantly, are in sync with your soon-to-be better half? The decision is important and is something that may haunt you if left unresolved.

Why Do You Want to Get Married?

     Some people believe in the sanctity of marriage, others find it nothing less than a piece of paper. But ask yourself and your partner, why do you want to get married? It may sound like a simple question, but it has a tendency to open a can of worms if the answers aren’t as substantial as expected. But if the answers were honest, genuine and warm, then you got yourself someone for keeps.

How Do You Handle Stressful Situations?

     You probably have a fair share of rough situations in your relationship. The shouting, the heartbreak, disappointment, anger, and stress. How were you guys able to handle it? Are you able to resolve such trivial situations with ease? Do you deal with it individually or collectively? This question or questions will reveal if you belong to a toxic relationship or something that actually comes up and in sync.

Do You Have Habits Your Spouse Doesn't like?

     Cigarette smoking, gambling, alcohol drinking, and substance abuse, are the most common nasty habits we face in America. Are you impacted by any of these? Some of them may be less severe than others, but at the end of the day, they are all but potential problems in the future. If marriage is on the horizon, you don’t want these to be included in the impending development of your life.

What Is The Family Dynamic Like?

     Do you have a close relationship with your potential in-laws? Are you comfortable with the extended family of your spouse? I once heard in a wedding ceremony that marriage is more than just two loving couples. Marriage is about two families being one. The pastor argues that marrying a person is the same as marrying the entirety of his or her family.

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