In this article, we will review standards of an essay, talk about the writing tips and how to write an essay to make it unique.
Is it possible to unleash your own fantasy and fulfill the task of the teacher or lecturer? Do you think these things are incompatible? Really? We propose you to review a couple of lifehacks how to write texts. You will also get to know more about writing essay.
The Essay as the Space for Academic Creativity photo from |
The step #1: you have to understand that everything is possible in the essay
If in the environment of the strict academic norms there is the small space for creativity and colorful experiments, then it’s an essay writing. You can use everything you want- subjective impressions, weird associations, favorite quotations from favorite songs, and even the story of the favorite character or the book, etc. Embody all these kinds of stuff in your text, everything you wanted to express during the “formal” lectures and seminars, and everything that cannot be limited by the scientific notions.
The step #2: don’t forget about standards
Moreover, the essay writing has its structure. And the most creative lecturers may have requirements and may not. But basic principles of common sense start working in such cases. So, you need to remember:
The essay is the demonstration of your view on this world that you express in the written form. And if you don’t want to get the label of “the person that has problems with the logic”, you have to follow traditional rules of writing essay (introduction, main part, and ending). But, of course, there can be exceptions, you just need to figure out which ones;
So, choose the style and the content for the essay writing depending on the task, topic, and aims. Usually, the essay is the way to check the presence of the analytical and nonstandard thought;
When you use the plagiarism- you don’t respect yourself. Don’t you have your own point of you? Then it’s better to ask the writing essay service for help like your writers and order the custom essay. But the size of the essay is not so critical as for the thesis writing or any other paper writings and you can easily write it on your own;
It’s needed to use different resources. If you mention other authors’ points of view, it will give validity to your essay. But every phrase present as the quotation and at the end of the essay, write all used resources.
The step #3: gather all your thoughts together
On this level, you can wait for the inspiration for a long time or you can use brainstorm principle. Take the sheet of writing paper and write all words that associate with the topic of your essay. Don’t be afraid to write everything that comes to your mind. If you have enough time for writing essay, then you can have the break (watch a movie or listen to the music) and continue later. Choose some quotes and later on, reread everything you have and put it all together. The last edition would be better to make when your brain will “cool down” a bit. Remember that your essay should have the logic structure.
The step #4: create the highlight
It’s really great when the teacher or lecturer saves your essay and shows as an example for other students in the future. For this, you need to write the essay the highlight the teacher to notice and remember it. It can be an interesting presentation, think of the unexpected title, illustrations and so on. It’s up to your creativity. Nonstandard ideas and the brilliant content will definitely draw the attention of the teacher to your essay.
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