Growing up in a family of karaoke singers, I've been hearing different song genres during family gatherings and occasions. At a very young age, I was also introduced to musical instruments because my father is a frustrated musician. Thinking that I'm musically inclined, they enrolled me in different music schools but I was not able to finish the courses as I've lost interest after a few sessions. Despite the on and off interest in piano, drums and voice lessons, dreaming of playing a musical instrument in a band is still on my once in a lifetime bucket list.
Fast forward today, I believed that my son will make my musical dreams into reality. At a very young age, he showed interest in playing the guitar. My husband was a band guitarist before that's why he was able to teach my son the basics of playing the guitar. But learning should not be confined in the four corners of home that's why enrolling in a music school is a must. Yes, it's the right thing to do especially if you want to learn more than the basics. Music fans and aficionados are fortunate these days as music schools here in the country are easily accessible and the leading music school in the country, Sounds Kradle is here to let you or your kids achieve musical dreams into reality. Get to know more about Sounds Kradle and what's in store for you when you enroll in their classes after the jump.
Feature: Sounds Kradle Makes Musical Dreams Come Through |